The Greening Campaign
We have a small amount of funding available for green projects, including starting new Greening Campaigns or for existing groups in West Berkshire to progress, from Greenham Common Trust. Please see our funding pages for further details.
The Greening Campaign was set up by Terena Plowright in Petersfield and has since been taken up by hundreds of communities across the country. The idea is to help motivate the community to reduce their energy consumption in a fun and easy way. There are currently 8 Greening Campaigns in progress in West Berkshire and more in the planning stages. There are 3 phases to the Greening Campaign:
Phase 1 - Engagement
This is about getting the community involved, making small changes by completing simple challenges to make a difference as a community. Eight challenges are chosen with the community asked to complete 5 of them, and then display their campaign card for counting once they have completed 5 of the challenges.
Phase 2 – Projects
Phase 2 involves running a few simple projects to get the community working together, e.g. swap shops, plastic bag campaign, insulation schemes.
Phase 3 - Adaptation
The Community Adaptation Tool kit is to help plan and prepare for changes in the climate.
Starting a Greening Campaign
Phase 1
If you are interested in starting a Greening Campaign, contact should be made with the Greening Campaign [email protected] they will then send you an outline of Phase 1 of the Campaign and probably ask you a few questions, such as how big is your community. There will then be a small charge to cover costs before they send you your Campaign pack and produce your communities’ Greening Campaign logo.
The next step is to get together with interested parties in your community, its important to involve as many groups as possible to help spread the message and get people involved. You might do this by holding an open meeting or just asking round to get interested people together.
You will then hold a public meeting to explain the Greening Campaign and at which the 8 challenges will be chosen by your community. Groups should also be identified (and approached already where possible) to make a display for each challenge. It’s best to get a different group for each challenge to involve as many as possible. If you haven’t already chosen a date, it’s a good idea to set your launch date now so everyone can save the day- you will need time to get your challenge cards printed and displays ready (allow at least 6 weeks).
It’s a good idea to order your Greening Campaign cards as soon as the challenges are chosen as they take around 6 weeks to be printed and sent back to you.
Launch Day- Try and get some pre-press coverage and a photographer along on the day. It’s a good idea to ask people to sign in so you have a list of interested people you can call on to help out with tasks such as card counting in the future.
After the launch, distribute your challenge cards as soon as possible, this may be along with a publication already distributed or separately by volunteers. Every property in your chosen area needs a card.
Cards displayed in windows should be counted up during your already allotted time frame (this is on the cards so everyone knows when to display the cards) and the numbers sent back to the Greening Campaign. They will then work out energy and CO2 as well as financial savings and then send back the results to the Campaign Leader. This is the end of Phase 1 and its time to reflect on your achievements and begin planning Phase 2.
Phase 2
Once you have completed Phase 1 of the Campaign, its time to get the community involved by running a few simple projects. Start by reading the Greening Campaign’s Phase 2 Project Pack to give you ideas of the projects you could run in your community. As a community, choose the projects you will run, this makes it much easier to get the help and support required to make a project a success.
Phase 3
Phase 3 of the Campaign focuses on the need to adapt to the changes in our climate. Whilst reducing emissions and energy use are extremely important it is clear that our climate is changing, and will continue to do so. The Greening Campaign’s Community Adaptation Toolkit is intended to aid groups in looking at their own communities and the impacts climate change may bring to them in the future.
The toolkit will help communities to understand the options to enable them to protect and adapt ready for any future changes.
Phase 1 - Engagement
This is about getting the community involved, making small changes by completing simple challenges to make a difference as a community. Eight challenges are chosen with the community asked to complete 5 of them, and then display their campaign card for counting once they have completed 5 of the challenges.
Phase 2 – Projects
Phase 2 involves running a few simple projects to get the community working together, e.g. swap shops, plastic bag campaign, insulation schemes.
Phase 3 - Adaptation
The Community Adaptation Tool kit is to help plan and prepare for changes in the climate.
Starting a Greening Campaign
Phase 1
If you are interested in starting a Greening Campaign, contact should be made with the Greening Campaign [email protected] they will then send you an outline of Phase 1 of the Campaign and probably ask you a few questions, such as how big is your community. There will then be a small charge to cover costs before they send you your Campaign pack and produce your communities’ Greening Campaign logo.
The next step is to get together with interested parties in your community, its important to involve as many groups as possible to help spread the message and get people involved. You might do this by holding an open meeting or just asking round to get interested people together.
You will then hold a public meeting to explain the Greening Campaign and at which the 8 challenges will be chosen by your community. Groups should also be identified (and approached already where possible) to make a display for each challenge. It’s best to get a different group for each challenge to involve as many as possible. If you haven’t already chosen a date, it’s a good idea to set your launch date now so everyone can save the day- you will need time to get your challenge cards printed and displays ready (allow at least 6 weeks).
It’s a good idea to order your Greening Campaign cards as soon as the challenges are chosen as they take around 6 weeks to be printed and sent back to you.
Launch Day- Try and get some pre-press coverage and a photographer along on the day. It’s a good idea to ask people to sign in so you have a list of interested people you can call on to help out with tasks such as card counting in the future.
After the launch, distribute your challenge cards as soon as possible, this may be along with a publication already distributed or separately by volunteers. Every property in your chosen area needs a card.
Cards displayed in windows should be counted up during your already allotted time frame (this is on the cards so everyone knows when to display the cards) and the numbers sent back to the Greening Campaign. They will then work out energy and CO2 as well as financial savings and then send back the results to the Campaign Leader. This is the end of Phase 1 and its time to reflect on your achievements and begin planning Phase 2.
Phase 2
Once you have completed Phase 1 of the Campaign, its time to get the community involved by running a few simple projects. Start by reading the Greening Campaign’s Phase 2 Project Pack to give you ideas of the projects you could run in your community. As a community, choose the projects you will run, this makes it much easier to get the help and support required to make a project a success.
Phase 3
Phase 3 of the Campaign focuses on the need to adapt to the changes in our climate. Whilst reducing emissions and energy use are extremely important it is clear that our climate is changing, and will continue to do so. The Greening Campaign’s Community Adaptation Toolkit is intended to aid groups in looking at their own communities and the impacts climate change may bring to them in the future.
The toolkit will help communities to understand the options to enable them to protect and adapt ready for any future changes.

Starting a Greening Campaign |