Community Oil Schemes

For those in rural locations, buying heating oil can be costly. There are a number of oil buying clubs locally that may help save on your fuel costs. A small yearly membership fee is usually charged (£20-£30 for domestic customers). We've included details of surrounding counties for those of you just over the border.
Berkshire - CCB
Community Council for Berkshire (CCB) are an independent, not for profit charity. CCB's Oil Club is a community bulk buying service for members using heating oil. CCB own the oil club but all communications and the administration are conducted by Oil Fuel Poverty Solutions (OFPS). OFPS was created to work with Rural Community Councils like CCB and other charities to manage, support and create buying groups and to raise issues experienced by rural oil users. To join, or for further details, email OFPS, call 01993 225011.
Oxfordshire - ORCC
Oxfordshire Rural Community Council (ORCC) runs the Oxfordshire scheme.
To join, or for further details call Sue Hunt: 01865 883488, email: [email protected]. or visit the ORCC website
To join, or for further details call Sue Hunt: 01865 883488, email: [email protected]. or visit the ORCC website
Wiltshire - Community First
Community First run Wiltshire's scheme.
To join, or for further details, email Jessica Emry, call 01380 732809 or visit the Community First website.
To join, or for further details, email Jessica Emry, call 01380 732809 or visit the Community First website.