West Berkshire Green Exchange AGM
Chairman's Report and Minutes
Members' Meeting and AGM 2016
Took place on Wednesday 28th September at 7.30 pm
The Agenda was:
There will be a talk on how to prepare for an extended power outage, and the Cold Ash Electric bulb unit will be on display to shine a light on some of the confusion around different bulb types.
We need new committee members so please consider putting yourself forward. This year we will lose our Treasurer, Robert Pattison, and committee member Tony Drewer-Trump and we have already lost our Secretary, Evangeline Haggarty, all of whom have worked enormously hard for the WBGE.
After the AGM there will be an open discussion with members about the way in which WBGE can be of most benefit to members. Some key issues for us are:
The Agenda was:
There will be a talk on how to prepare for an extended power outage, and the Cold Ash Electric bulb unit will be on display to shine a light on some of the confusion around different bulb types.
We need new committee members so please consider putting yourself forward. This year we will lose our Treasurer, Robert Pattison, and committee member Tony Drewer-Trump and we have already lost our Secretary, Evangeline Haggarty, all of whom have worked enormously hard for the WBGE.
After the AGM there will be an open discussion with members about the way in which WBGE can be of most benefit to members. Some key issues for us are:
- Our key role as a communication channel to West Berks Council is made more difficult by their withdrawal of funding and by the demise of the Cleaner Greener Local Sub-Partnership group, where we could discuss environmental matters with WBC councillors and officers and with other voluntary groups and industry representatives. Should this continue as a primary role for us?
- Other environmental groups, like ourselves, have detected a fall in interest among the public on addressing climate change. Perhaps, now that the Paris agreement has been signed, people are content to leave it to the politicians? We need to know your views, and how you would like us to represent you.
- We still hold over £4,000 from the Greenham Common Trust to support voluntary initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions. Do you have ideas on how this could be used?
- Would you want us to hold another conference in, say, February or March and if so what would you like it to cover? Are you willing to help organise it? Should we combine it with one or more other environmental groups?