We welcome any West Berkshire group or individual who wants to connect with others working towards stabilising climate and nature. Our local network includes people with expertise in:
We help each other stay up to date with the latest climate and nature news through our WhatsApp group network, our monthly emails newsletters, and our Climate and Nature Stand and Presentation at local events and groups.
We share information from West Berkshire Council communications and meetings (eg the Town and Parish Climate Forum, and the Environment Advisory Group Open Forum).
There is no charge for membership but please sign up here. Or email [email protected] to find out more.
Updated August 2024
- Nature conservation
- Affordable and energy-efficient home improvements
- Single-use plastic reduction
- Mediterranean (naturally low-carbon and healthy) cooking
- Reducing food waste at home and in industry
- Estimating and reducing carbon footprints
- Electric Vehicle facts and myths
- Switching to banks and pensions that don’t invest in fossil fuels
- Campaigning (eg the UK’s Climate and Nature Bill, the Fossil Fuel Non-proliferation Treaty, and the Climate Income)
We help each other stay up to date with the latest climate and nature news through our WhatsApp group network, our monthly emails newsletters, and our Climate and Nature Stand and Presentation at local events and groups.
We share information from West Berkshire Council communications and meetings (eg the Town and Parish Climate Forum, and the Environment Advisory Group Open Forum).
There is no charge for membership but please sign up here. Or email [email protected] to find out more.
Updated August 2024
Useful resources:
- A life on our planet by David Attenborough (also on Netflix)
- Met Office, Climate Change Committee and United Nations reports
- West Berkshire Council Environment and Climate Change webpages
- https://footprint.wwf.org.uk and How bad are Bananas by Mike Berners-Lee, for estimating and reducing carbon footprints
- Penny Post Eco Podcast and Cleaning Up - Leadership in Climate Action podcast
- Hungerford Environmental Action Team website, with links to home energy and EV information
- Many local Facebook groups including Friends Of the Earth Newbury, Hungerford Food Community, Thatcham & Newbury Plastic Free, Recycling & Zero Waste and West Berks Climate Action Network